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Details about the manifest.json file of dweb app. You can understand it as the manifest.json of PWA.

It mainly provides all the configuration information of the dweb app, attribute verification, and some information displayed on the installation interface.



  • id: string.Standard: ${name}.${host}.dweb.Each app has a unique id, and each domain name can mount multiple app. Example: "".

  • version: version.

  • baseURI: string?.If not set, the baseURI of the metadata.json link is used by default.

  • server: MainServer dweb application entry settings.

interface MainServer {
  root: string /* Program startup directory */;
  entry: string /* Program startup file */;
  • logo: string.The logo icon displayed when the application is installed.

  • minTarget: number.Major version number of the lowest supported Semantic Version of Dweb Browser.

  • maxTarget: number?.The Major version number of the highest Semantic Version supported by Dweb Browser.

  • name: string.The name displayed by the application. Same as WebApp standard of W3Cname.

  • short_name: string.The short name displayed by the application. Same as WebApp standard of W3Cshort_name.

  • description: string.Application introduction. Same as WebApp standard of W3Cdescription.

  • dir: string?.Used for text alignment. Same as WebApp standard of W3Cdir.

  • lang: string?.Specify the primary language for the values of directional members of the list (since knowing the language also helps with directionality). Same as WebApp standard of W3Clang.

  • icons: string.icon icon set. Same as WebApp standard of W3Cicons.

  • homepage_url: string.The homepage address of the official website of the application. Same as Chrome’s manifest standardhomepage_url.

  • bundle_*: string.Use the packaging address and security-related verification information automatically generated by the @plaoc/cli tool.

  • public_key_url: string?.The link must use a website link with the same domain name as id.

    info: The request returned is in the format of "algorithm + public key address" {algorithm}:hex;{publicKey}

    example is: rsa-sha256:hex;2...1

  • languages: string[]?.Supported languages.lang code.

  • images: string[]?.Display image when installing the application.

  • change_log: string.The update log displayed when installing the app.

  • author: string[].Author information displayed when installing the app.

  • release_date: string.The release date displayed when installing the app.

  • dweb_deeplinks: string[]?.The specification is: dweb://${operation}. The deeplinks function of Dweb Browser can be used for external wake-up applications.

  • categories: string[].It is currently recommended to use ["application"], and more will be opened in the future.

  • display: "fullscreen" | "standalone" | "minimal-ui" | "browser" | undefined.The display mode of the application.

  • orientation: "any" | "landscape" | "landscape-primary" | "landscape-secondary" | "natural" | "portrait" | "portrait-primary" | "portrait-secondary" | undefined.The default orientation of the application's window.

  • ......There are still some fields that are not enabled yet.


  "id": "",
  "server": {
    "root": "/usr",
    "entry": "/server/plaoc.server.js"
  "minTarget": 2,
  "maxTarget": 2,
  "name": "vue3-game",
  "short_name": "game",
  "description": "This is an example application that contains examples of all components of dweb_plugins.",
  "logo": "",
  "bundle_url": "./",
  "bundle_hash": "sha256:56e8a7569519364d03c04bd11147b16693db107878b4f27b827617e5f4dfb650",
  "bundle_size": 3112387,
  "bundle_signature": "",
  "public_key_url": "",
  "release_date": "Fri Jan 12 2024 14:54:14 GMT+0800 (Central Standard Time)",
  "change_log": "changelog",
  "images": [
  "author": ["bfs", ""],
  "version": "1.3.0",
  "categories": ["application", "kids-games"],
  "languages": [],
  "homepage_url": "",
  "plugins": [],
  "permissions": [],
  "dir": "ltr",
  "lang": "",
  "icons": [],
  "screenshots": [],
  "display": "fullscreen",
  "orientation": "any",
  "theme_color": "",
  "background_color": "",
  "shortcuts": [],
  "dweb_protocols": []

Released under the MIT License.