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BFChainPlaoc APPmanifestAbout 1 min

Details about the manifest.json file of plaoc app. You can understand it as the manifest.json of PWA.

It mainly provides all the configuration information of the plaoc app, attribute verification, and some information displayed on the installation interface.

  "id": "plaoc.html.demo.dweb",
  "name": "plaoc-html",
  "short_name": "plaoc",
  "description": "This is a sample application that includes instances of all dweb_plugins components.",
  "logo": "",
  "images": [
  "author": ["bfs", ""],
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "change_log": "Added a new feature of shooting bubbles with a single click!",
  "home": "",
  "categories": ["application"] 


The fields below add ❗️ for required fields.

id ❗️

Type: string

App id; The specification is ${name}.${host}.dweb; For example: ""

Each app has a unique id, and each domain name can mount multiple Apps.

name ❗️

Type: string

Application name

short_name ❗️

Type: string

Application subtitle

description ❗️

Type: string

Application description, will be presented to users on the download page and details page;

logo ❗️

Type: string

Application icon, vector graphics are recommended;


Type: string

Update log;

images ❗️

Type: string[]

List of application screenshots;

author ❗️

Type: string[]

Developer, passed in array form, the first developer is the app copyright owner.

version ❗️

Type: string

Application version;


Type: string[]

App category, it is recommended to pass ["application"]

home ❗️

PlaocApp main domain name, needs to be the same as the domain name mounted by id

langopen in new window

Language tag; Specifies the primary language for the values of directional members of the manifest (knowing the language also helps with directionality).

iconsopen in new window

As icon representations of Plaoc-app; The attribute value is a set of ImageResource objects;

screenshotsopen in new window

PlaocApp screenshot images; The attribute value is a set of ImageResource objects;

displayopen in new window

PlaocApp display mode; The attribute value is a DisplayModeType object

orientationopen in new window

The default orientation of the window; The value is a string; Check the legal range of orientation

theme_coloropen in new window

PlaocApp theme color; The attribute value is a string;

background_coloropen in new window

PlaocApp background color; The attribute value is a string;

shortcutsopen in new window


Describes the language types supported by the App Possible valuesopen in new window

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